Enrique Vita

Enrique Vita

Financial and Operations Director

I am an Engineer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, with more than 30 years of experience in Technology and Communications companies. Of my further studies, I highlight and greatly value what I incorporated about Continuous Improvement, back in the 80s when the experiences about “Quality Circles” and “Total Quality” came to us from Japan (how old this sounds!!!). For me, that experience transformed me into a passionate about changing and creating new ways of doing things.

Currently, as a partner of Sollertia, I am dedicated to the economic an financial aspects of the company, and of course, as an engineer at heart, I have part in the opearational area, always imagining and developing new and better processes that make our lives easier and give us the support our service needs.

I believe in people and their potential for growth, focusing on strengths and seeking to be happy in what we do. One of the questions I usually ask in a work interview is: What do you like the most? What do you enjoy doing? What are you passionate about?

From working in multinational corporations, I learned that the roles we are assigned in professional life do not limit or restrict us, as long as we make the decision to make that role what we long to be and do. And I say this having gone through very diverse areas such as Engineering and Development, Sales, Customer Services and Operations. In each and every one of those very diferent places I have been, I enjoyed and was happy.