Mariana Urbancic

Mariana Urbancic


She has been a member of the Sollertia team since 2012, designing and facilitating processes of Cultural Evolution, Personal and Team Development.

She is passionate about co-creation with other people, about dreaming a possible future and accompanying in the process of it coming true.

She has a Degree in Labour Relations issued by the School of Social Studies of Universidad de Buenos Aires.

In 2007, she did the Postgraduate course in Corporate Performance Consulting, in the School of Psychology of said educational institution, and in 2010 she completed the Master’s Degree course on Human Resources and Knowledge Management in Universidad de León, Spain.  Currently, she is taking a Master’s Degree course on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, in Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.

She has developed her career in national and multinational companies, working in retail, in hydrocarbon manufacturing and exploration/production, as in Burger King, Compañía Argentina de Levaduras [Argentinian Yeast Company], AB, Mauri Hispanoamérica and Pan American Energy.

Throughout her career in Organizations, she has worked in positions in the Payroll and Budget, Compensation and Benefits departments, focusing on Talent Management since 2009. She developed and implemented processes of Potential Identification, Succession, Feedback 180° and 360°, Individuals and Teams Development Plans, Leaderships Programmes. She coordinated Young Professionals recruitment and development special programmes.

She has also collaborated as teacher in the subjects “Psychology of Labour” at Universidad de las Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (2012) and “Personal Administration” at Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (2014).

She is a certified Consultant in PCI Change Management methodology of ChangeFirst, and in diagnostic tools for Culture and Leadership Development. LSI, LI/MI, OCI/OEI de Human Synergistics.